Tuesday, 20 May 2008

Monkey Monkey Monkey

Is it a pair of pants/knickers?

NO !
Is it a hat?

NO !
So what is it?

It's a brand new white fluffy jumper, coutersey of Seans maker Sue (my mum)

Monday, 19 May 2008

Me 'ittle Caravan

and it is little. Smaller in length than our Peugeot 206. Not high enough to stand up in (although it does have an extendable roof that must be shut when it rains).
We're going away soon to start our touring in the caravan. We don't go too far and we don't stay too long, usually just weekends. The caravan is very small, but made bigger by its awning. I do feel it is a little unfair that we have to pay full price for a pitch cos most tents are even bigger than our freedom microlite caravan.

This was taken one glorious holiday at Lucksall near Symonds Yat. We had a spot right by the river. Hmmmmmm day dreaming

Any way we keep umming and arghhing about selling it, but we went to visit it to blow away the winter cobwebs and I fell in Love with it yet again. I have decided to revamp him and give him a fresh breeze of discovery. I'm thinking sunshine, I'm thinking outdoors-in, I'm thinking fresh green and airiness.
So to go with these words I have made a digital mood board for inspiration

If there's anybody out there who might be able to help inspire me with projects or ideas to get my ittle caravan a new bright sunshiny way of life, please let me know your finds and treasures. I need storage ideas ways of pretting it up and making it light and open.
We're going in the week to fix a broken part and I'll take photo's to show the present situation of my pink, dark, closed ininterior.
Time for tea and cake, can't show you these ones cos they are definetly my cupcake choice for the wedding. Oh and I had disaster on the fruit cake front, but never fear I shall win the war if not this battle. My own stupid fault really, usual trick of not reading the instructions properly, I just can't help myself from rushing in.

Thursday, 15 May 2008


Here's another little present I managed to make for my mum's birthday. Little labels for my mum and her handmade items (mainly bags, that are good for shopping or carrying lots of college junk). Each one is in a circle with "handmade by Sue" and her blog address with a little butterfly in the centre. I couldn't decide which butterfly I liked so she has 4 to choose from. She can print an A4 page out and print it out as many times as she likes.

We went for a lovely picnic on Sunday to enjoy some more of that lovely weather ( unlike the cold miserable day it's been today) We sat opposite Chirk castle but there seemed to be a strange haze in the air and all my photo's looked fuzzy - seriously.

And there was loads and loads of Wild Garlic all in flower and quite smelly.

And this strange man - no that's my dad, we have no idea what this used to be, it looks like an arch of a bridge, but inside looks likes the remnants of a fire place of some sort - possibly a furnace or just a chute to drop things down from above.

And this my last photo I want to share because I'm really proud if it. I had just about given up taking any photo's because of the strange weather and well because I'm out of practise, but as we all piled back into the car I quickly snapped this one. Ferns of a kind, remind me of druids having a meeting.

Wednesday, 14 May 2008

Birthday cards for mum

First things firsts the cards, I had to make one for my Dad to give to my mum, this one looked a bit boyish but it wqas fun making the card out of paper I've had for aaaagggeesss rather than stamping or computering it makes it more 3D. I pinched the idea from Quick and Crafty (May Issue I think) but I’ve used whatever paper I had in me cupboard.

This card is sunbathing in the glorious sun we had at the weekend

I heart from my dad to my mum, the Birthday wishes on white paper (cream) was an add on I must admit I some how in my rush managed to stamp wishes upside down so needed to do it again only this time to cover the first mess

And then this one was from me, made by me and whole idea by me. I got to use some more of my papers, my mum sent me once upon a time ( I felt like I was cleansing myself using these old papers) I've inked around the edges...

Can you see how messy my mum's craft room is (sorry mum) of course mine is nothing like that...

... and bit’s (flowers) from the Studio Calico kit I had for my birthday...

...and stamped happy birthday (with a gypsy stamp that's always to small to use, but finally got a use)

Tuesday, 13 May 2008

Birthday cakes

After discussing things at the barn about the wedding we finally enjoyed the last of the sun shine with a BBQ at mum and dad's. Mum finally got her cakes, lemon sponges (a little over cooked becasue I got a liiiitle distracted, but still muchio yummy) With a new topping of lemon butter icing. The twang of the lemon juice toned down the sweet sugarness. This is the best topping so far - might see these at the wedding.

There were so many yet some how I only managed to come home with 2 (and only one was for me)

This last photo I tried 4 different finshes, do I go for smooth (at the back) almost smooth (looking at the one on the right) or a little bit of fluff (at the front) or very fluffy (looking to the one on the left).

Have I got my left and rights wrong.

Dogs, Dogs and more dogs

Here's a little family gathering there's only 2 missing Meg who didn't want to join in and Milo who wasn't here. We went to my parents house for the weekend for my mum's birthday (and sort out wedding things) but went we get toghether it seems that there are more pets than people. Especially dogs

Here's Mr Waggles (Alfie he is my cheeky rascal)

Here's Dopey (sorry brother) or Mad professor when his hair is crazy or better known as Rowdy

Here's the leader of the pack Toby, he's very much a pensioner but still very young at heart and very loveable.

And here's a cat one of 3 enjoying the sun

And one of the views from my parents house, this was taken as the sun was setting and haze settled over the mountains.

I promise I'll show you what I've been upto last week making things for my mum's birthday.

Tuesday, 6 May 2008


I'm busy making my mum's birthday surprise the horrible thing about it is I can't post it on the blog as she'll see it.

So in the mean time have a look at this lovely blog. I came across it when I was researching for work to find an illustrator and through looking at her website discovered her blog. What caught my attention was her lovely designed and made felt animals.

If you want to have a look click

Friday, 2 May 2008


Forgot to mention - A big well done for me other half as she gave blood the other day for the first time. Unfortunetly I can't becuase of my medication, but she has finally decided to do it, she's tried before but because we got back from Africa she couldn't for 6 months. The best thing she got a sticker.

Monkey business

At work we’ve had a new inspiration board fitted so that we can add things to it to help us all inspire each other. Well that got my work pet excited ! I’ve just given him a name after having him for 5 months, he’s not handmade but a freebie with the PG tips tea bags.

He’s called P.Gus. The “P.G” comes from the fact he’s from the PG teabags and the “us” is from Usborne Publishing because, moi working from Usborne, adopted him. Quite clever I thought.

He’s usually sunbathing on the window sill catching the only bit of sun allowed into the office and watching the world go by with ELE a colourful textile elephant all the way from Sri Lanka (Thanks Candice) and Sqwech the stress pig.