Tuesday, 1 September 2009
A home to go ...
The first the four bedroom cottage with excellent views over the welsh countryside. This is what I call my childhood home, where I sat at the window ledge of my shared bedroom with the window wide open looking out onto the hills and fields, occasionally seeing my friends coming up to meet me. This was before I grew to old toshare and got my own room all to myself with the privacy of the mountain behind me, where I tried to get my kitten to climb the plank from my room to the mountainside so I didn’t have to share her (it didn’t work).
In this house we learnt about frogs, newts, ducklings, adders every spring as they needed rescuing from our small sun trap of a backyard. We ate in the big kitchen with plenty of morning light, and cozied up by one of the two open fires (mum kept changing her mind and one fire was always blocked up only to be discovered the next winter while boarding up the other).
I then remember the other house where our parents now live, only a 100yds down the hill from are cottage, where we had to carry our belongings by wheelbarrow and hand from one to the other when we moved. Even the Piano. Here my sister and I took over the three attic rooms once the servants rooms with a landing big enough we used it as our living room (until the demon rabbit took over). Each room had a different use and we swapped them around until they suited our use, and if inside wasn’t enough, there’s the apple trees pear and plum and the biggest gooseberry bush I’ve ever seen, there’s rhubarb too.
So if you have forgotten or not seen them before here are the two I call home.
A Cottage and a Large house
Friday, 7 August 2009
Saturday, 1 August 2009
Eggy eggy
Wednesday, 29 July 2009
Chick chick chicken
We have some new additions to our family... chickens. We rescued them with the help of these people from a battery farm who no longer needed them. Boy were they in a state, these photo's have been taken four weeks later as they explore there freedom in the garden, acess all areas including the carrots which may no longer be growing thanks to the fact that the feathery tops have been eaten by the chicks.
Let me introduce you to them Egwina (the boss), Chickpea (the noisey one and so named because her head was bold), Poulet, the rather sickly one but by no means at the bottom of the pecking order) and my favourite because she stayed near me to get away from the pecking Henreitta (the darkest and featherest of them all).
Thier fluffy white feathers haven't taken long to come back, in fact it was about a week that we noticed that they looked a little bit more plump, they still have bold patches. Poulets neck was the best seeing the feathers grow starting with the quills poking out of her neck almost prehistoric looking, and then waiting as the feathers poked out from within the quill getting longer and longer bit by bit.
Tuesday, 21 July 2009
RIP Tobias
Monday, 8 June 2009
Day 7
Thursday, 4 June 2009
Fruity strawberry and peach – Day 6
Wednesday, 27 May 2009
Creme (something with eggs) and pistachio - Day 5
I love my wife x (Thanks Jo nicely added touch)
We make our way back to the B&B for a quick read on the balcony then finally an early night, where Jo (for a change falls fast asleep first).
Snickers crunch with mint - Day 4
Of course we saw a lot lot more along the way, too much to remember.
Tuesday, 26 May 2009
Pistachio and Creme deCatalan - Day 3
Sienna also has an interesting centre or piazzo, I’m sure this where they filmed part of Quantum of Solace, here we had to sit on the floor and ate Calzone (although Jo didn’t realise it was stuffed with loads of mushrooms) and later our daily Icecream (there were so many gelato here).
On leaving Sienna we decided to visit a small walled village called Monteriggoni neatly sitting on top of one of the hills. Not a lot to look at, apart from more beautiful scenery, but many tourists drive this way by the bus load. We parked in an almost empty car park and climbed a few lavender aisled steps to get to the entrance. Nothing else to do but eat, so after looking at a light menu we decided to eat in one restaurant but were faced with a menu that was three times the price and decided to leave just as they were about to present us with a flute of sparkling wine. After relaxing from a slight panic attack and hunger we decided to sit at a more relaxed dinning area. The staff were really friendly (not like the snooty waiter in the one we had just left) and they fed us lasagne and Sausage and Beans, were not talking tinned beans these were beautiful cooked fresh mmmmm. Followed by the best Panna Cotta I’ve ever had.
Then our 40minute straightforward drive back turned into a we don’t remember where we are staying, so going from village to village in the dark, having lots of shouting, crying, adding Google maps to the phone, we arrived safely back 2 and half hours later. Another early night gone.
Monday, 25 May 2009
Nutella Day - Day 2
Downstairs for breakfast we were seated at a large table with cereals, cold meats, bread, toast, jams, cake and croissants. That wasn't all Simonette brought in juice, coffee (very nice) and soft boiled egg. We discussed where to go and Simonette helped us out with a map of Cortona. So off we drove on what seemed like a fairly casual drive. We found a free parking space it was not quite where S recommended due to the sharp bend Jo decided to take on two wheels with both of us shouting woooaaaahhhh. It was a lovely town not much to see there or do, wonderful buildings, apartments and street to look at. Of course there was the Ice cream shop (nutella to start) we found a public WC, and the car park we were meant to be heading to. At this point I decided to walk through Cortona to get to the Fort rather than take the car through the narrowest streets. A wise decision I feel, altohugh it didn't feel like it when we were walking, no climbing up through the winding streets, and up through cobbled steps, and up past the church. But the views were amazing and very quiet (obviously no one wanted to walk as high as us).
We went a different route which took us a quarter of the time on a more direct route and found ourselves back at the square were we first started and celebrated with another Ice cream Peach and mistakenly (a good mistake) coconut.
Back in the car for a trip to Lake Trassimo, which you can see in the distance in the photo above, with a few journey round and around the roundabout one dead end one nearly up a no entry we made our way to the lake fairly easily. Drinking freshly squeezed Orange juice watching the sun go down over the waters edge and looking back at where we had earlier climbed.No flavour continued... by Jo
This page seemed very empty for the first page of our honeymoon adventures so I'm going to introduce my wife's anecdotes of Italy - Tuscanny, Rome and Sorrento. These are the tales of Eeyore, my Eeyore, who wasn't 100% happy about leaving our new home and our beloved Alfie and Smudge but she trusted me and my crazy ideas and came on adventures with me. I hope from reading these tales that you'll agree we had a wonderful time together, we laughed, we argghhheedd, we cried... I did it Dad... but it has been so rewarding and we are so very glad we went and so very glad we got married 9 months ago. - Jo
Here Here - Nayera
I hope you enjoy reading about our travels as much as we enjoyed going on them. If our next adventures will be closer to home, I think I'm ready. Thank you Nayera I love you x