Sunday, 23 November 2008

Amongst the mud and rain

I have been out into the garden to witness the chaos that is called my garden/building yard. What a mess I nearly cried boo-hoo at the winter ready empty trees and plants and buidlers scraps left lying everywhere. It looks like a mini hurricane has hit only my garden. But then all is forgotten when I see our extension... here it is so far.

Friday, 21 November 2008

I’d like to take the time to tell you a little story…

… On our return home from work (and after talking to a holiday rep and then popping off to Asda (supermarket) to get remaining ingredients) we finally returned home to bake. On our arrival we discovered the mess that had imploded in what looked like our kitchen. The builders had removed our old roof in order to fit a new one slightly higher than before. Not being able to complete the whole job in one day we were left with timbers and felt covering.

Although they had tried to clean the kitchen but (bless their soles) they are after all only big builder type people and with wires hanging down, it took 2 attempts to clean our kitchen before said cooking could take place.

Look closely at the black tiles, they should be white

Then by candle light we made a start on baking biscuits, toffee and apple, peanut butter, and chocolate crumbles. At one point we were distracted by the meowing of the cat, and thought she was lost underneath the bath calling out to us in the hole in the wall above our heads. And later how me and my lovely assistant jumped into each others arms when the wind blew something of the roof (which, with just a sheet over our heads was very loud) and made us scream.

Saturday, 8 November 2008

It's been awhile ... again

Did I moan too much last time, I'll try not to moan too much again today.

Boiler man came again the long and short of it is, the boiler wasn't improved, he couldn't sort it. We've been advised to change the flue, but if it's still not working after that they'd send out the engineer to work his magic. Anyway plumber changed the flue, it needed a change in direction because of the extension and the we came home to a wonderfully warm house. Yes it's working ! and even better than it ever has.

I got up to day 5 so here's the rest of the run down so far:-

Day 7 (Tuesday) more wall

Day 8 (Wednesday) and more wall

Day 9 (Thursday) even more wall

Day 10 (Friday) the scaffolding went up and the fence went down between next door on the agreement that a new one is fitted (it needs a new one to be honest)

Day 11 (Monday) They came and so did the rain so they went, to be fair they did some work but it bucketed it down.

Day 12 (Tuesday) They came back to finish the wall that is now looking very tall. The plasters came back as well and put up a stud wall in our front room. Beautiful we now have a separate hall way (very small hall way but very neat) and only a slightly smaller front room that feels more private and cosy.


We're squashed into one room - squashed room made smaller

Day 13 (Wednesday) the Craig the Carpenter came and started with our roof rafters. Boy does he work fast, head down and off to work he went.

Day 14 (Thursday) More roof getting ready for the tiles soon I hope. We also had the pictures sent to us showing our choice of kitchen we've got to sit down and think about it, see if we're happy with it, is there anything we want to change.

Oh and here's some wellies

Tuesday, 4 November 2008

I'm freeeeeezing

Well w-w-w-what ca-n-n-n- I s-s-s-ay it's cold. I'm sitting in my coat wrapped in a duvet waiting for my pigeon to bring some chips.

Why so cold? Our boiler is broken, still. We've paid upfront (no I hear you cry) £185 for Vokera (our boiler maker people) to send out one of their engineers to come round, service it, inspect it, change any required bit and well just fix it. He did, he came round, inspected it changed a few bits still couldn't get it to work and blamed the flue because it's not getting enough oxygen (it's been breathing just fine for the last 5 years). Anyhoo phoned them "Well cal you back" did they - no ! We arrive home on a cool night like tonight with our boiler turned off and a do not use notice on it. Just leave us with no Heating no hot water (luckily we have an electric shower). Don't want to bore you with all the details, but they have to sent out the same guy again (and after speaking to him on the phone understand why he's had trouble fixing-if you know what I mean) so another night with no heating.

Day 6 (Monday) Not really sure what happen today, 5 men turned up and the trench around the foundation has been filled. boo hoo
Day 7 (Tuesday) Today the plaster arrived with the builders, too many men in and out of the house, not used to it what with there usually only two gals and a dog. Not sure why but they're doing the ceiling now, in the dinning room which will be connected to the extension. They said they were only going to do the ceiling and we were like "MAAAARK! we want the walls smoothed oh and can we get rid of the fire pleeeease." Well if he'd told us they were coming. We hadn't even cleared away our knick knacks and stuff so before leaving to go to work we had to clear out our room.

The old - Artex ceiling, cheapy small nasty coving.

New, still wet, smooth plaster ceiling, calm nice lovely ohhhhh

Sunday, 2 November 2008

Morning Sunrise

Forgot, busy talking about the extension, one early morning getting ready before the builders arrived and after the snow on Tuesday we had this beautiful sunrise.